5 Benefits of Wearing a Hardware Belt To Work

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When the going gets tough, gear that’s able to handle your day-to-day is essential. That’s why we designed the Hardware Work Belt, a belt that’s able to support the weight of heavy tools without sacrificing on the comfort and durability all of our belts are known for. 

So, is the Hardware Work Belt right for you? We dive into 5 benefits below.

1. Increased Efficiency and Productivity

There’s no better feeling than efficiency in the workplace. With all of your tools of the trade conveniently strapped to the workwear belt around your waist, you can say goodbye to the time-consuming task of searching through a toolbox– or for your toolbox, for that matter. This accessibility allows for a smoother workflow, as you can quickly grab what you need without breaking focus. 

2. Enhanced Organization

Unlike a traditional toolbox, our working belt allows you to seamlessly organize your gear in the order you need it. This not only makes it easy to find what you're looking for, but helps in maintaining a clean and orderly workspace. Plus, the customizable nature of workwear belts means that you can arrange your gear as needed on any current day, further streamlining your process.

3. Improved Safety

Anyone working with power tools, sharp edges, or heavy machinery knows that on-the-job safety is no laughing matter. Believe it or not, a hard belt contributes to a safe working environment, as by fastening tools to your body, the risk of dropping something sharp is reduced. This is particularly important in environments where leaving tools lying around poses a risk to you or your colleagues. 

4. Physical Comfort 

The ergonomic design of our hardware belts is a benefit of adding one to your work wardrobe, particularly for those who spend long hours on the job. We designed our line of workwear belts to distribute weight evenly across your hips, reducing strain on your back and shoulders compared to carrying a heavy toolbox or bag. Over time, this leads to a reduction in work-related soreness, especially for those prone to back issues.

5. On-the-job Confidence

Wearing a hardware belt not only makes your job easier, but projects a serious sense of professionalism by showing that you’re prepared and organized on the job. This enhances your credibility with clients and colleagues, and can even boost your own confidence. 

The team at Arcade is proud to introduce our Hardware Work Belts– made to work hard for those who go hard. We reformulated our signature performance stretch into a stiffer webbing, brought together with our highest tensile strength buckle system that can withstand more pressure than most zinc alloys. 

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